Publications will be added here as they are published.
If you are writing a manuscript which should be attributed to BIOPOLE, please use the below acknowledgment text, with the JeS award number.
The contributions of [Person X, Y and Z] were supported by the BIOPOLE National Capability Multicentre Round 2 funding from the Natural Environment Research Council (grant no. NE/W004933/1).
BIOPOLE Publications
BIOPOLE project members or partners are listed in bold font.
Anderson TR, Hessen DO, Gentleman WC, Yool A and Mayor DJ (2022) Quantifying the roles of food intake and stored lipid for growth and development throughout the life cycle of a high-latitude copepod, and consequences for ocean carbon sequestration. Front. Mar. Sci. 9:928209. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.928209
Anderson, T.R. (2022). LILICOP_1.0: model of LIpids in the LIfe cycle of a high latitude COPepod, version 1.0. Zenodo, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6615006